Coastal Cooking is brought to you by Pensacola Energy, the natural gas supplier for residents and business in Escambia County, Florida.
Coastal Cooking features videos and recipes from top Pensacola chefs and restaurants. Here you’ll find recipes from popular restaurants currently in operation and recipes from some favorite places that are no longer open. Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you find some new favorite recipes to prepare for family and friends.
Meet your host:
John Scanlon, host of Coastal Cooking, is Pensacola Energy’s Commercial and Industrial Energy Specialist. His role is to help businesses incorporate natural gas into their operations. This often includes working with new restaurants as they set up their kitchens and with existing ones making improvements. John’s working relationships with local restauranteurs, love of good food and outgoing personality made him a natural choice to host Coastal Cooking. John has been a Pensacola Energy team member since 2007 He began his Pensacola Energy career working in field operations and later moved into his current role in the marketing department.