Seafood Risotto

Seafood Risotto


4 cups seafood stock

1/3 cup olive oil

2 Tbsp. butter

1 shallot, minced

½ cup white wine

½ cup Arborio rice

½ cup grated parmesan cheese

½ cup peeled, crushed and seeded plum tomatoes

1 garlic clove, minced

Salt and pepper to taste

4 oz. shrimp, chopped

1 lobster tail, chopped

2 oz. calamari

¼ cup chopped parsley


Heat olive oil and 1 Tbsp. butter in a large sauce pan. Add shallots and cook until tender. Add the rice and toast for about 3-5 minutes. Add wine and cook until almost all the wine has been absorbed. Add in seafood stock ½ cup at a time until the liquid has been almost completely absorbed. Five minutes before rice is finished, add in lobster and shrimp. Two minutes before rice is finished, add in calamari. Turn rice off; add cheese, garlic, 1 Tbsp. of butter and tomatoes. Mix well. The rice should be stirred constantly and by doing so, you will release the starches from the rice allowing the rice to become creamy.

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